IP telephony Foundamental
VOIP - Access to IP Telephony
VOIP - Access to IP Telephony - 2 months

English, Russian, Azerbaijani

Trainer: Fərid Əmirov


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Upon completion of the course, students are awarded a certificate

Course materials

Voip nədir? Ümümi anlayış.

Servers used in voip..

Asterisk and Free-PBX.

FXO Gateway.

FXS Gateway.

GSM Gateway.

Desktops and digital phones.


Types of desktop phones.

Local telephony.

Call centers.

Realtime Asterisk SIP numbers Softphones

Asteriskin yüklənməsi.

Linux operating system.

Disks in Linux.

Basic commands used in Linux.

Performing operations on a Linux file.

Installation of RHEL, Ubuntu server.

Configuring the Asterisk server.

Loading modules in Asterisk.

Asteriskde ilkin konfiqurasiya

Registration of configuration files in Asterisk.

SIP.CONF file.







Dialplanın hazırlanması.

Asterisk CLI primary commands.

Dialplan Syntax.

The Answer(), Playback(), and Hangup() Applications.

Registration of phones on asterisk server.

Preparation of the initial dialplan.

The Goto(), Background(), and WaitExten() Applications.

Using variables in the dialplan.

Daxili serverlər arası və xarici əlaqənin trunk vaistəsi ilə qurulması

SIP protocol.

PJSIP protocol.

IAX protocol.

IAX2 protocol.

Handling calls to asterisk from abroad.

Outbound call management from Asterisk.

İVR-ın hazırlanması


Dialplan Functions.

The GotoIf() Application.





Rich database connection in Asterisk (AstDB).

Çağrı mərkəzlərinin hazırlanması.

What is the concept of queue?.

queues.conf file configuration.

Adding and removing agents from a queue.

Queuing monitoring in CLI.


Asterisk Gateway Interface.

Asterisk Manager Interface.

Call management via script.

Call management through an agent.

Zabbix and asterisk.

Asterisk və database inteqrasiya edilməsi.

Installing and configuring MYSQL.

Management of logs on the database.

Realtime asterisk database.

CEL table.

CDR table.

ODBC configuration.

Dect telefonlar, FXS, FXO, GSM gateway-lər




Multi-cell on Dect phones.

Difference between FXO and FXS.

Registration of numbers in GSM Gateways and connection with asterisk server.

Course description

What is IP Telephony?


IP telephony (Internet Protocol Telephony) refers to any telephone system that uses an Internet connection to send and receive voice data. Unlike a regular phone that uses landlines to transmit analog signals, IP phones connect to the Internet through a router and modem.


IP telephony now offers HD voice quality, lower operating costs and advanced business phone features.


IP telephony does not stop at voice calls. Here are some more of its use cases.


video call

Audio and video conference


Instant messaging

Sending a fax



IP Telephony and VoIP



IP telephony is a broader term that includes any telecommunications system that uses the Internet Protocol to transmit voice and data. This includes traditional phone systems that have been upgraded to use IP, as well as newer VoIP systems.


Voice over IP (VoIP), on the other hand, is a special technology that uses IP to transmit voice calls. It is a subset of IP telephony that deals specifically with the transmission of voice traffic.


In other words, all VoIP systems are IP telephony systems, but not all IP telephony systems are VoIP systems. The term VoIP was originally more specific. It only referred to the technology used to make and receive phone calls over the internet.


In recent years, even VoIP providers and telecommunications companies have started using these terms interchangeably. IP telephony and VoIP technology both involve phone systems that use a LAN (local area network) to connect to the Internet via a modem/router.



What will you learn at the end of this training?


In general, preliminary knowledge about VOIP will be obtained.

"SIP" and "GSM" number management

Starting a job as "VOIP ADMIN" in public and private companies.

Establishing call centers.

Establishment of local telephony in public and private companies.