Full stack
Programming Frontend- Backend
Programming Frontend- Backend - 5 months

English, Russian, Azerbaijani

Trainer: Fərid Əmirov


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Upon completion of the course, students are awarded a certificate

Course materials


Introduction to Web Development.

HTML Essentials.

CSS Fundamentals.

Website Structure.

Fonts and Icons.

Responsive Design.

Mastering Flexbox.

Bootstrap Essentials.

JavaScript Basics.

Control Flow and Functions.

Data Structures Advanced JavaScript Asynchronous JavaScript Functional Programming Introduction to React JS React.js Basics React Hooks and Router Hooks State Management with Redux

Programming with Python (Python programming)

Why Python?.

Introduction to Python.

Anaconda and spyder setup.

Python version differences.

Installing and running iPython.

Print and functions.

Simple values and arithmetic operations.


Data types and conversion of data types.


Text operations.

Operations and methods on strings.

Format method and eval, exec etc.


Condition elements.

if, elif, else.


for, while.

Range, pass, break, continue.

Iterators, Iterables.


Lists and methods.

Tupple and methods.

Set and methods.

Dictionary and methods.

Enumarate, zip, dir help, etc.

such important methods.

Similarities and differences between list, tuple, set, and dictionary types.


Return, yield.

map, filter, lambda, reduce.

*args and *kwargs approaches and implementations.

Global scope, local scope, built-in scope.

Difference between method and function.

Error handling.

Try, except, finally blocks.

Time and date operations.


File types and differences.

Reading files, types of reading, writing to files, types of writing.

Object Oriented Programming (OOP)

Modules, module writing, use.

Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (OOP).

Objects and classes.

Class, object, object attributes, class attributes, class methods.

inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism, static method, class method.

extended, parent and child classes, overriding, overloading.

method signature, data abstraction.

Data structure and algorithms

Functional programming.

Code complexity.

Big(O), Omega, Theta.

Dynamic arrays.

Stack, queue, deque.


Search algorithms.

Sort algorithms.

Vector operations.

Database (SQL)

Familiarity with database - SQL.

Why PostgreSQL?.

Basic table operations.

normalization, tables, schema, sequence, tablespaces.

DML commands.

select, update, insert, delete.

DDL commands.

create, drop, alter, truncate.

DCL commands.

grant, revoke.

TCL commands.

commit, rollback.


Constraints, primary key, foreign key, cascade.

Dealing with nulls.

SQL operators.

top, order by, offset fetch, etc.

Filtering requests.

where, between, and, or, in, not in, is null, is not null, like, distinct.

Text functions.

len, left, right, charindex, substring, patindex, replace.

Mathematical operations.


Aggregation functions.

sum, count, avg, min, max, having.

Importing Excel spreadsheets Joins.

self join, inner join, left join, right join, full join, cross join, natural join.

Nested query(subqueries).

Exist, any-some, all.

Union, union all, expect, intersect.



if-then, if-then-else, if-then-elif.



Introduction to Django & Web Development.

Back-End and Front-End.

Introduction to HTML5 and CSS3.

Servers, Databases.

HTTP Protocol, Request & Responses.


Django Project.

SQL, Database.

Django Admin interface.

Preparing for Interview Questions.

Step Project.

Defining Models in Django.

Creating database tables using migrations.

Querying the database with Django's Object-Relational Mapping (ORM).

Views and URL routing.

Creating and mapping views to URLs.

Django Templates, Jinja2.

Creating real-world application.


Preparing for Interview Questions.

Step Project.

Creating APIs.

Manipulating forms.

User Authentication.

Signup, signin functionality.

Static Files.

Serving them in Django.

Introduction to RDBMS.


Creating real-world projects.

Preparing for Interview Questions.

Step Project.

Course description

What is frontend-backend programming?


The front end of a website or app refers to everything the user can see. Front-end developers often work directly with the client to create visual and interactive elements that work together to create an aesthetically pleasing experience.


In contrast, back-end developers work on the parts of a website or application that users cannot see. They work behind the scenes, making sure servers and databases run smoothly and quickly. Front-end interaction only works because the coded server, application, or database provides the information the visitor is looking for.


Front End development and Back End development are responsible for the web you interact with all day, every day. Front End development uses advanced programming languages ​​to create what the user sees in the browser; Back End development uses back end programming languages ​​to perform those requests on the server side. Combined, it creates a seamless experience for the user.



Going deeper, this exact page was created using three Front End languages. The words you read are embedded in HTML. Spacing and colors are defined by CSS. Interactive graphics are the result of JavaScript. Back End languages ​​running in the background include Ruby, Python, and PHP.


Who is this training intended for?


Programmer engineer 

All employees who work with computers in state institutions and private companies, banks, regardless of their qualifications and qualifications 

University, College, School, etc. To their teachers 

University, College, School, etc. To his students 

Employees who are new to the IT field and want to develop in this field, etc 


What will you be able to achieve at the end of the training?


Starting a job as a Front-End developer in public and private companies

Starting a job as a Back-End developer in public and private companies

Start working as a Full-Stack developer in public and private companies

Starting job as SQL Developer in public and private companies

Start working as a Data Analyst in public and private companies

Start working as an ML Engineer in public and private companies

Obtaining Oracle Database SQL Certified Associate Certification international certificate.

Obtaining Python Institute Certification (Java Script&Python) international certificate.